Sunday, May 31, 2009

Do The Girls Like The Pool?

Why yes, they LOVE the pool - but all in different ways. Strangely they want to get in more when they don't have their swimsuits on - go figure. But Julianna loves it the most and even though she's often standing their vibrating (that's shivering to everyone else but ever since Caleb said he was "vibrating" we can't help but call it that!)

Julianna "vibrating":

My jumping girl! Yea, I don't know what Alyssa is doing but they love their swimsuits :) Julianna has been going under the water every time and I'm working on teaching her how to get to the side - she's doing great. Rachel will go under some but Alyssa doesn't like to. I've dunked them all so they get used to it. Clearly it worked for Julianna - she'll be swimming before we leave.

While Julianna loves to jump - the other two are more into relaxing - and yes, I could hold the two of them in the "raft" while catching Julianna with the other hand - oh yea, fun times. Three babies in the pool with mama alone - eek!

All three in the raft - didn't last long :)

Big kids love the pool too but they prefer to night swim - not sure why but they really, really like it:

Long live the pool!

Friday, May 29, 2009

All In A Crazy Day

My day didn't start off so well...

This is what my child looks like when I get her out of bed:

Oh but it gets worse.

This is what the room looked like when I walked in:

In case you're wondering - that floor was clear last night!!

Oh, but you know it gets even worse:

This is above Rachel's crib so now I have 100% proof that Rachel is my Picasso. Nice though huh? Once again proving her talents and her NEED to draw - it's like she can't help herself. I mean she KNOWS she's not supposed to do this - she knows she's supposed to draw on paper and yet she continues to draw on walls, on herself and even the pack n' play:

If you can't tell that's a smiley face. Nice right?

Then it was on to breakfast:

Rachel was eating the leftovers:

After breakfast we play - Julianna is ever safety conscious (notice her knees - can you tell who else was involved in the nighttime fun?)

This evening Alyssa got to read with Uncle Michael:

Wondering what a normal day is like here? Here's is Kaitlyn's To-Do List for the day:

Can't read it?

It says:

To-Do List (the main ideas)

- play with babys
- swim in pool
- eat dinner (lunch and breakfast as well but earlier)
- draw (if time) color
- play with babys (again)
- go to bed
- play outside (before bedtime)

And that's it - that's all we do!

But I can't go and leave Caleb out - so here's my boy in front of Rachel's masterpiece since I have yet to tackle removing it:

Photo courtesy of: Kaitlyn

Some more of her work:

Oh yes, they can get in and out of their cribs! Kirk actually has 3 toddler beds set up and waiting for them when we return home. It's much earlier then I hoped but Alyssa's crib was falling apart - it was Kaitlyn's so it was quite old and ready to go. We were able to find 2 matching toddler beds with mattresses on Craigslist for $50 - adding that to the one I already had for $30 and we have a room all ready to go for cheap :)

Countdown to toddler beds is on - 2 weeks to go!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Way Back When-esday - Happy Birthday Grandpa! (Dad)

Today could not be a more appropriate look back :) Just a few years ago my dad was born! Okay more then a few but we won't go there. Suffice it to say it wasn't last year :)

Here's a photo of my parents from 1974 - they did exist before I was born!! And they looked pretty good too. I hope Cheryl meant this waaay back :)

And pictures from today:

A very happy birthday to my dad! I pray we have you for many years to come :)

Love you!
Your only daughter.

Want to play along?


Sunday, May 24, 2009


My crazy little girl...

She's always holding something...

I guess it's a smile...

I can tell their age by their hair - it's growing in so nicely and I just love it. I say that now but give me a few years and I have no idea how difficult it will be to do hair times three! It can already be a pain but it's too cute to resist...

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Lovely Blog Award

Apparantly my blog is lovely :) Thanks to Donna at Zookeeping 101 - she has a great blog if you haven't checked it out - she includes recipe tips and organizing tips all from a mom who has NINE children including TWO sets of triplets. She is who my DH fears we will become if we try for more kids :) I think Donna's surviving so why not? Kidding of course!

But her second set of triplets is also all girls who are about the same age as mine so we have a lot in common - wish we lived closer!

On to the award...

And the rules:

1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link.

2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award. I certainly haven't discovered this many new blogs so I will nominate a few I choose for fun and because I think their blogs are lovely :) Sorry I didn't have 15!

Cherie at It Takes More Then An Egg
Kristy at The Shepherd Times
Denise at Goosey Lucy, Turkey Lurkey & Chicken Little
Candace at hickey-family-party-of-5
Angie at Dunbar Triplets
Andrea at The Joy of Triplet Boys!
MaryBeth at Four Silly Sisters

Also, if you haven't stopped over in a while my newest article is up at Blissfully Domestic - Multiple Bliss so head over, enjoy and say hello to me there if you'd like.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


The kids love running around the pool - it's one of their favorite activities. Yes, they are watched very closely - I can jump in and save them at a moment's notice but it still makes me nervous. Why do they love the dangerous stuff?

So tonight they were out there running and this time they had pinwheels from the Dollar Store. They loved those too. Cracks me up what kids love.

One for everyone - Rachel's is a bit different it has "shapes" which means "hearts"

These things are cool!


Caleb was interested but no one would let him borrow one :(

They just love the pool.

Can't leave the big kids out. Don't they look thrilled? They're just disappointed that its been raining and they haven't been able to go in the pool for the rain and the cold.

And the rest of my photos are blurs of them running around the pool - just proof that they never sit still!! I won't put you through it but I've tried taking pictures of the 3 of them together looking at me - terrible so far but I'll keep trying!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Way Back When-esday - Grandma and Grandpa

Since I'm safely back in Florida - back with the kiddos and back with my parents I thought I'd go way back in my photos to some old ones with my parents and the kids through the years.

Enjoy :)

I can't even remember when they were this little! November 2006

They were much more fidgety by this point! It wasn't long before photos became impossible :) Beginning of 2007 - can't remember the month!

Thanksgiving 2007 - the girls had just turned 1.

Last summer - it's always the hair that seems to change the most! June 2008

And those seem to be the last photos I have of Grandma and Grandpa with all 5 kiddos. I guess I will need to work on getting a few while I'm here!

Play along at Twinfatuation.

Monday, May 18, 2009

More From Estes Park

Tonight is our last night and finally I have internet access! Everyone is supposed to have hi-speed up here but yet no one really seems to.

Updates from the last few days:

Here is my clinic group - we had a great time working on each other's stories!

On Saturday evening we went on a hayride and ate hotdogs over a campfire - fun! Look at these huge horses!!

Sunday morning we took a tour of Rocky Mountain National Park - starting at the bottom it was about 60 and up to the top where we were in snow!! Only here in CO :) We went from about 7500 to somewhere around 11,000 feet above sea level - wow!

Elevation 9,400 feet - cool but nice sweater weather:

Somewhere around 11,000 feet up (Sorry, I don't remember but it was high enough to be above the tree line and still covered in snow!)

Sunday afternoon we took a walk around the lake with an old high school friend of Kirk's and his wife - they brought along their 3 boys making me miss my 5 all the more :( But we did have a nice afternoon with them anyway! While we walked in the park we came across a herd of female elk - these things are everywhere.

Monday we spent the day in downtown Estes Park - it was beautiful weather and such a beautiful area.

My internet connection was horrible so I'm just finishing this on Tuesday now that I'm back in Florida (safely thank the Lord - Kirk too, back in VA). We had a really good time away in CO - love that state and I can't wait to go back someday - next time with the kids though - I'm sure they'd love it. Now I have about 1000 landscape and mountain photos of CO - I could create a ton of postcards :) I also have more photos of Elk then I'll ever need but they are so cool. Saw 3 bucs outside our cabin this morning on our way out. Of course, I took photos but I won't subject you to them.

Glad to be back with all my babies - I missed them but they had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa and G&G did a great job taking care of them :)