Does whatever a Spiderman can...
Is he a riot or what? Yes, that actually is Caleb :) He looked so real he freaked his sisters out a bit. Alyssa wouldn't go anywhere near him for a while. Then they thought he was cool and gathered around him.
I tried to get video but it came out really dark. I'll post it here only because the ending is visible and it makes me laugh. So funny!
New Release Spotlight: Kathy Escobar
1 week ago
That is too funny! It is good to see they are all having fun.
I got no sound...and Yes, I have it turned up!
Go Caleb! There's no sound because Dorinda doesn't have the camera with the microphone, I have that one with me. But just imagine the old cartoon theme song:
"Spider-Man, Spider-Man,
Does whatever a spider can,
Spins a web any size,
Catches thieves just like flies,
Look out! Here comes the Spider-Man!
Is he strong? Listen bud,
He's got radioactive blood.
Can he swing from a thread?
Take a look overhead,
Hey there! There goes the Spider-Man!"
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