Sunday, June 22, 2008

Cabin Fever

A few months ago Mythbusters did a special on whether or not cabin fever is true. After two days of rain and being stuck indoors I can assure them and you that it is real. Mommy begins to get agitated and irritated and there's no real reason other then I'm tired of girls clinging to me and big kids asking for things. Add fighting and pushing and we all begin to lost it!

To counteract this phenomenon just a tad we took all the kids to the mall yesterday. Yes, I took pictures. Yes, I stopped to shop at Gymboree but I did get some seriously good deals. When you find winter pajamas in Caleb's size for just $5 you can't pass it up!! I think shopping for winter clothes in Florida is the best way to go :)

Pictures of the kids on the mall's cool merry-go-round:

Now I'm just praying for sunny weather!

Update on Ellie: Ellie was 2 pounds 4 ounces at birth. Due to her small size the doctors moved her gesstational age back to less then 28 weeks at birth. She is on CPAP to help her breathing and has already received a blood transfusion. Both are normal for her gesstational age. She has also received surfactant twice since her birth to help her lungs. She has a long road ahaead of her including lots of tests and as anyone who has had a child in the NICU knows it is an up and down roller coaster. We are continuing to pray for the best. I would appreciate if you all would pray with me.

1 comment:

MaryBeth said...

I totally agree... cabin fever is a very real phenomenon! I'll be sure to pray for Ellie and all of her family.