I swear I didn't pose them.
At one point I had all three together but I couldn't get my camera ready fast enough.
And while Alyssa has only added "Hi" and "Bye" to her vocabulary recently she is very practiced at pretending to snore! How do they know these things?
The hats don't match these outfits but they sure do love them :) Of course, it's less fun to just wear them then it is to take them off and have me put them back on but hey, they were happy for a good 20 minutes or so while daddy talked on the phone!
Wondering how my writing is going? It's not. I have realized in the past few days that I am just too stressed over this election. I can't believe we have allowed a man into office who cares nothing for unborn babies. I am just sick over it.
A friend of a friend said it pretty well:
Silly Goose Monkeys: WARNING: Political Rant Straight Ahead
Thank God these girls are still here to make me smile! (My big kids too but they weren't being as silly tonight with their hats and the stairs...)
Aren't they cute when they're "sleeping"
Rachel's smiling with some dinner left on her face - oops! - hey, at least she was eating :)
I just like this picture.
New Release Spotlight: Kathy Escobar
1 week ago
Zoe wore that same outfit today!!
I just wanted to tell you that I LOVE reading your blog! I was "blog hopping" one night and found you through tripletblessed! She's a DEAR & WONDERFUL friend of mine and you'll often see pics of her kiddos playing with mine on my blog. Looking forward to your next post. Cyn
Too cute!
Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I enjoyed reading yours - I can't imagine how you & Amy do it w/5!!! :) I give you a ton of credit! You have a beautiful family btw! I love the photo shoot you did together. What kind of writing do you do? Just curious - I've written a little myself. Nice to "meet" you :) Amy
Very cute pictures of the girls!!
I will continue to pray for this country but wonder why God would protect something that has willingly turned it's back on Him.
I feel the same way as you. Why is life easily discarded by some?
I hope your writing inspiration will return!
Love that pic of Rachel cheesin'! Thanks again for watching CJ today...he talked about you guys all night...and your trains of course.
Cute outfits and I love the hats!! My kids did the same thing on the stairs a few weeks ago. It must be the age to do that. My mom was the one to capture it on film. They are adorable.
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