Monday, June 29, 2009

Sisterhood Award

Annie at Santiago Twin Girls gave me a sisterhood award - thanks so much! She had on her blog also been tagged to play the Crazy 8's game. I wasn't tagged but decided to play along for fun anyway - cause I'm sure you're just dying to know more about me!

8 Things I'm Looking Forward To:

1. Spending 2 days at Luray Caverns with friends in 2 weeks.

2. Hanging out with friends over the summer.

3. Kaitlyn's 9th b-day in 20 days.

4. Grocery shopping - I'm weird but I LOVE couponing.

5. Writing more and finishing my novel (again - the re-write).

6. School starting in the fall - yes, already.

7. Going to my next writer's conference - hopefully soon.

8. Spending more time with my family - I love them all :)

8 Things I Did Yesterday:

1. Went to church in the morning.

2. Taught children's church.

3. Went to a writer's meeting.

4. Took Kaitlyn to VBS - Caleb didn't get a spot :(

5. Ate dinner at VBS.

6. Went to a member's meeting at church.

7. Went to CVS to get free paper towels - woo hoo!

8. Finally sat down to blog and watch a little TV.

8 Things I Wish I Could Do:

1. Finish my novel.

2. Get my brain in gear to finish my novel :)

3. Re-decorate the triplets room just for them.

4. Buy a larger house.

5. Organize my whole house top to bottom.

6. Decorate the family room.

7. Buy a whole new wardrobe.

8. Buy a brand new couch for the family room.

8 Shows I Watch (only 8?!):

1. CSI: Regular :), Miami and New York

2. Burn Notice

3. The Mentalist

4. Chuck

5. The Closer (over the summer)

6. Law & Order: Criminal Intent, SVU - sometimes the regular

7. Life

8. Lie to Me

- if you're sensing a theme you are correct! I love all things forensic :)

8 Favorite Fruits:

1. Watermelon

2. Apples

3. Bananas

4. Pears

5. Nectarines

6. Grapes

7. Oranges

8. Strawberries

8 Places I'd Like To Travel:

1. Colorado

2. Alaska

3. Australia

4. England

5. Russia (maybe to adopt a baby :) ).

6. Hawaii

7. Italy

8. Africa (maybe on a missions trips)

8 Places I've Lived:

1. New Jersey - my birthplace!

2. Pompano Beach, Florida

3. Oakland Park, Florida

4. Chipley, Florida

5. Campbellton, Florida

6. Hudson, Florida

7. Orlando, Florida

8. Northern Virginia

I'm not choosing who to give the award to but if you want to play along feel free and know that I appreciate my followers and my friends who comment - you are all my sisters :)

Pictures of the weekend soon - have to find my card reader. So my life - losing stuff. Although sometimes I wonder if it walks away by itself. Well, maybe not so much by itself - it has 3 little helpers!

1 comment:

Annie said...

Great answers. I'm so happy to know more about you.

Thank you so much for playing.