I can't believe it. Kaitlyn and Caleb have been out of school for 4 months but now it's time to go back. Feels like summer went by in the blink of an eye and yet clearly it didn't.
Today Kaitlyn and Caleb went back to school! I now have a 4th grader and a Kindegartener. Yes, Caleb has finally graduated up from 3 full days a week to 5. After 2 years of just 3 days I am more then ready to have him be there for 5. And this year he has to wear uniforms too. So, he's a full-fledged student!
At least it was the perfect day to start. The weather was cool this morning - almost cold and it's been beautiful ever since. I know summer isn't over by the calendar but for me with school starting and the weather changing I am happy to say it is fall! Please God let the cool weather stay :) I am SO ready. Of course at this moment I have all 5 kids outside - the triplets with no shoes on - so no one has told them that summer is over :)
Oh well, it is for me.
First day of school pictures - we have to do them every year in front of the front door :) I guess it's tradition! If you're wondering the front door is magnetic and our fridge is not so all of the kids artwork winds up there or on the floor if the triplets pull it down but that's pretty much how everything goes around here...
Lots of changes at the school this year and one of them is the uniform so while last year they were stuck with just navy and white this year they are able to wear shorts and khaki and any color polo so at least they will have some variety.
And at their desks at school:
Kaitlyn was very nervous about the first day - even though she's attending the same school and has the same teacher all the students are new. However, the official report was that school was great and she likes all the girls in her class. Yea! And even though she's in 4th grade she's already starting on 5th grade work so I know she's in for a tough year - just don't tell her that :)
Caleb was too into playing Legos with the kids in his class that he didn't want to stop and take a picture so this is the best I got. Right now there are only boys in his class so I think he'll have a fine year. And while Caleb is in Kindergarten he is in a class with mostly 1st graders (his teacher has already said he reads at a 1st grade level) so he will be doing advanced work this year. Makes me thankful he has a "late" birthday and will be turning 6 soon!
The verdict for both of them for the first day was that it was great and they have made friends and I'm already being asked for playdates! Good grief they don't even give me a week :) Here's to another year and somehow surviving homework once again.
On another note I want to wish my baby brother a BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! He actually is turning 28 - for the first time :) Have a great day brother! Love your "big" sis. Your gift is in the mail - I swear...
New Release Spotlight: Kathy Escobar
1 week ago
Aw, they look so cute. I'm happy to see they had a good first day and that Kaitlyn made friends. She kept saying she didn't want to go to school. Its great that they get a little bit of a selection when picking out their clothes.
Oh and Lollipop would never have made it home with us. Even if he had stowed away in our luggage, I'd have kicked him out as soon as I found him. I have enough people crawling on me, I don't need a cat.
Everyone at work loved my hair.
Your header is absolutely beautiful. I love the pics, layout and colors....I just started reading and before I knew it I was reading several months ago. very interesting
Back to school, yay! It sure feels like fall this week, doesn't it? I'm sure we'll get a heat wave just as soon as we pull out our jackets!
Oh, and you should've posted my salt and pepper picture! Ha ha... just kidding, but man I love your camera. What is it again?
Happy first day of school!! I am glad they had a good first day.
Can you send some of that cool weather my way?
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