Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wedding and Updates

Even though we had a major injury on Saturday we still made it Kirk's brother's wedding on Sunday (10/10/10 - cool date right?!). The kids did well despite Kaitlyn being in pain and the other kids wanting to run in random circles and throw themselves on all the furniture in the hotel.

Trying to get the kids all together:

It seems our flash got broken after Kaitlyn got hurt so all of the pictures blurred if someone moved and you can imagine just HOW much 5 kids can move when asked to sit still while dressed up at a wedding with no toys...

The wedding went off beautifully and I'm excited to have a new sister-in-law in the family. Unfortunately the camera kept me from getting any good pictures of anything. Hopefully we'll have it fixed soon.

As for Kaitlyn, she is doing better. Was off the crutches after 3 days and a check with the doctor today confirms her wound is healing and she will get her stitches out on Monday. Still praying for no infection!

1 comment:

Annie said...

They look so pretty.

BTW, 10/10/10 my girls turned 4.