We have survived 2 months! I have no idea how. Well, I do - the grace of God as well as my mom's help. What a blessing. My parents head back to Florida tomorrow so if you have wanted to come over to hold and feed a baby now is the time. We are now in need of a great deal of help!
The girls went to the doctor today and their weights are as follows:
Julianna 8.12 lbs (she has lost 5 ounces since last week because she hasn't been eating well and has been throwing up quite a bit)
Rachel 7.13 lbs (still our peanut)
Alyssa 8.12 lbs (yep, she and Julianna now weigh the exact same)
The amazing thing is that Alyssa weighed 4.12 lbs at birth so in the past 2 months she has put on 4 pounds. That is incredible to me. How fast they go and how frustrating setbacks are. Please pray that the girls all return to health. No one had any lung congestion today nor a fever so it appears they are all healthy at the moment. So, if only we could get Julianna to eat and grow things would be better.
Rachel and Alyssa got their shots today - a total of 8 for the two - talk about tears. Julianna will be getting hers on Friday when she goes in for a weight check to make sure that she is going in the positive direction for weight and no longer the negative.
Please, please pray for me as my 24 hour help leaves and I will be often alone with all 5 kids. Even when Kirk is home things will still be crazy so all your thoughts and prayers are welcome. Thank you!
New Release Spotlight: Alexis Barber
2 weeks ago
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