Rachel has decided that Alyssa cannot have all the attention and has once again become difficult. She already has reflux but the past few days it has been much worse and has been more like vomiting. So, yesterday we took Alyssa for her post-hospital check-up and we took Rachel to find out if she has RSV. Alyssa is doing great and other then a bit of minor congestion she is over the RSV and very healthy. Julianna also is the picture of health even though she has a slight cough. The doctor heard nothing in her chest.
But... when she listened to Rachel, Rachel sounded junky so at our 3 PM appt. we were sent to the lab with an nasal swab to test for RSV as well as a blood draw order and also one for a chest X-ray. At the lab the blood clotted so we wasted our time there. The chest X-ray did show a bit of junk in her chest but nothing serious - whatever that means.
So, because the blood clotted and something was wrong with the nasal swab I spent today redoing everything except the X-ray. It turns out she does not have RSV and does not need to be in the hospital - thank God!
However, I need to bring her back to the doctor for a weight check tomorrow because all this vomiting has actually caused her lose 3 ounces from last week and that is a very bad thing. The other girls have gained quite well and they weight:
Julianna 9.1 lbs
Rachel 7.2 lbs (down from her 7.5 lbs last week)
Alyssa 8.3 lbs (a gain of almost a pound from last week which is great!)
That was our drama. For a bit of a change - I look different :) After 2 years I have finally gotten my braces off! I do have a retainer in which for all of you who have had braces know is awful to get used to. But, I have also been warned that if I don't wear it I will ruin all the work that has been done on my teeth and I really don't want to do that! And speaking of teeth, Kaitlyn lost one of her top front teeth this week. I think by Valentine's Day all of my girls will just be gums :)
I will post some before and after photos tomorrow for some fun as well as an update on Rachel and whether or not she has gained weight. Thank you for your prayers nad continued support - my parents head back to Florida next week and we will need lots of extra help then!
New Release Spotlight: Alexis Barber
2 weeks ago
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