The girls are nineteen months today so I thought it appropriate to share the rest of the pictures we got from Portrait Innovations. Again you have to scroll down. Seems to be the best way to do this (be forewarned there are a LOT)...
Yes, I got a copy of the girls with the bear and Rachel screaming. Hey, that is reality. They did pretty good despite the LONG session but there are so many outtakes in the other pictures it could fill a book.
New Release Spotlight: Amber Wardell
5 weeks ago
I love the picture of you and your hubby. I hope you got that one. I love, love, love the picture of the girls with the teddy bear. I really like the one of Kaitlyn and Caleb where he has his hand over his mouth. They all turned out great though.
I also love the one with the teddy bear. Sometimes even screaming is adorable. I also love the beach scenes. All are very cute!
Those were great! I was just thinking I need to take the girls in for their 19month pics.
I LOVE the teddy bear pic!
You have inspired me!
Ok, I'm going to get the boys pics done. Do you think they have that teddy bear up here?
LOVE the one of Rachel crying and the other two looking right at her...perfect picture really!!
Cute, cute pics!!!!!
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