This morning we had our church service on the lake because our normal building was unavailable - it couldn't have been more gorgeous! Oh my word, beautiful. We had to have all the kids with us which made for an interesting service - not as attentive as I normally would be.
A few shots from this morning:
And then this evening we took the kids to Burke Lake park to ride the merry-go-round, the train, play on the playground and have a picnic dinner in the grass. It was so much fun! I think its the first place we've taken the girls to like this - that we've tried to ride rides and just get out for a few hours - it was nice and the girls all reacted differently to everything :)
How perfect is this? Three small "animals" for the girls to ride on! I couldn't believe they had three together...
Unfortunately, we didn't actually need three - Rachel HATED it and Kirk had to hold her the entire time. The other two LOVED it - Alyssa threw a temper tantrum when the ride ended. Julianna just asked to ride it again without all the hysterics - she can talk much better then the other two so usually tells me what she wants.
Then it was on to the train ride and it was just great fun. We had the same result though - Rachel hated it, Alyssa threw a tantrum when it was over and Julianna asked to ride again :) If you're wondering Alyssa doesn't ask she just walks back to whatever she wants and tries to get back on. So funny but not to her.
Before the ride:
During the ride - it went a lot faster then I expected and that made it even more great!
Kirk kept saying Julianna was loving it but... well, what do you think?
On to the playground:
We finished the day with a picnic. We had a little bit of babies stepping on our food but for the most part everyone ate well and enjoyed running around in the open grass:
And what blog post would be complete without pictures from the kids?
Kaitlyn's photography:
Caleb's photography:
At least we got a good shot of the train tracks :) I hope you all had a wonderful summer and that your fall/school year will be a wonderful one.
On a different note - Happy 27th Birthday to my baby brother :) Today is his day! And his first one married. Love ya, brother.