Before the craziness we had some good times - like letting the girls feed themselves yogurt for the first time - they did pretty good. At least they had fun...
The boys: Liam and Caleb (it was really a play date for them)
Sweet Jesse - he's 2 in a few days - I think he likes the girls...
Oh my gosh...that's my nightmare! After Ty was born, I locked Zoe & Ty in the house...and I was outside! Actually...Zoe locked the door after I stepped outside. Long crazy story...but I'm glad Shane only works 15 minutes away.
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Ok. So here's my theory. I'm starting to think that there is a super hot fireman that you have a tiny crush on.
Well, I locked my keys in my van on Saturday (without anyone in it) and Ashlyn locked me out of the house yesterday, is this what's next for me?? By the way, I started reading your novel yesterday and am all caught up. Can't wait for the rest. You've got a lot of talent. Where do you find the time?
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