Monday, August 24, 2009

Kirk In Wisconsin

I know, what right? No offense but I have never been to Wisconsin and I have no idea if there's anything out there! Apparantly though there is a very large, very cool truck. According to Kirk it's a new variant Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement (MTVR) based at the Oshkosh Truck Corp in Wisconsin. It's an 8 ton (with mods) multi purpose off road vehicle for the US Marines.

I don't actually know what that means but at least someone does and someone needed pictures of it so Kirk went out to do it. He will take those pictures and do an animation with them. Unfortunately, I don't understand it enough to translate but I do know he's very good at what he does and it will turn out really well!

How did I do home alone with 5 kids? Since it was just a day and a half not too bad :) I even managed to take all 5 out grocery shopping alone. Such an adventure. A few tantrums, a stolen cookie (sorry HT - we broke your one cookie rule), a bunch of stares and odd questions like the cashiers when I told him three of my kids were the same age - he asked if they were twins :) Otherwise we did great! And while last night they got to bed at almost 10 tonight I had everyone in their beds by 9.

But if you're wondering, yes I do miss Kirk and am glad he'll be home shortly :)

1 comment:

Denise said...

I am glad I am not the only one who didn't understand a thing you said. LOL.
Pray for a safe return home for him. I am glad things have gone pretty well for you with all 5 while he has been gone. Sometimes, I think we don't have enough confidence in ourselves. I was really nervous when my hubby left for a week earlier this year but we did great. I was a little more stressed and oh so happy to see him come home but otherwise, all went well.