1. I do not need a gym membership. Try running up and down the stairs hefting two babies a couple of times a day. Then there's the one armed pick up of a baby while holding another baby. I have my own weights to lift thank you very much!
2. I do not need to become famous. Everyone already stops, stares, points, and talks about me wherever I go. I've had people tell other people what they just saw after I am gone. This is the truth - I had a lady slow down in her car while we were going through a parking lot, roll down her window and yell out "Congratulations!" At least she didn't say my hands were full :)
3. I do not need both hands. I have discovered how much I can do with one hand - brush Caleb's teeth, put laundry away, clean up the house. No, I don't hold them all the time - they have to rotate!!
4. I do not need to shave my legs (very often) - hey that is a good twenty minutes I could be doing something important, like say showering or blogging.
5. I do not need to wear make-up. If I get out of the house dressed and in one piece you should all be happy. I'll leave my good looks for later.
6. I do not need a scrapbook/baby book. This blog serves for that and all of you get the joy of reading what I write :) On the same note I don't need to work on my novels right now. I am content to work on my very difficult writing course. Which is going quite well, by the way. When I write something good someday I'll use you all as guinea pigs to check it out for me. You may even get to read bits of my new novels early! Still don't need to be famous (see number 2) :)
7. I do not need a "real" date night. On Memorial Day we watched our kids plus 4 more just to get a chance to see the 3rd Pirates movies. We're not picky! The movie was good, by the way.
8. I do not need a perfectly clean house. Okay, so some of you are wondering when I ever had one! But, lately I have really been trying to get the place clean and organized but I am realizing that there are days I will have to deal with what's around me. Something I do need since having triplets: more energy!
9. I do not need another occupation. Caring for triplets is more than a full-time job and while some days I'd love to leave them for someone else to care for I wouldn't trade my crazy life for the world. Just one grin from Julianna from across the room is enough to melt my heart. That child can smile! Just one cuddle from Alyssa and I never want to put her down. And Rachel, well, she is my nut. Screams a lot and mostly just does crunches - if you haven't seen it you're missing out! I can't wait to see her older. I think she will just be so spunky.
And number 10...
10. Lastly I do not need my living room or dining room. Right now they are both in the process of being transformed into a very large "playpen" for the girls. Julianna is now rolling over everywhere and truly she's trying to crawl. Rachel is not far behind her. Alyssa is perfectly happy to lay there and chew on her feet. Oh, and food. Alyssa really seems to like solid food. Unlike the other two.
Enjoy some pictures of our work in progress and some of the best things I see all day every day. The rest of the best things are Kirk, Kaitlyn and Caleb of course!
And because I never get tired of putting up individual pictures of the babies... (please enlarge photos to see their smiles up close - such a treat!)
Sorry Alyssa's picture is a little blurry but I'm a bit OCD on making sure that each baby has the same amount of pictures every time I post - I'm weird but you already knew that!