I know it seems incredibly early to be thinking about spring and summer clothes but trust me, it's not. The girls have enough clothes for winter so if I buy clothes it's now for summer and I am struggling with a dilemma. Should I dress the girls alike or not?
Before they were born I had decided not to dress them alike very often. I had no idea how alike they would look and didn't want to confuse anybody plus I didn't want the extra pain of having to change one girl's clothes just because someone else threw up or pooped and got their clothes dirty.
Since then I have somewhat changed my mind. While it is still a huge pain to change all three if they get their clothes dirty they usually only wear one outfit a day so it's less of a problem. Also, they don't look anything alike so we can tell them apart no matter what they're wearing.
I have also found that grabbing the same outfit for each girl means I only have to think about their clothes for like 5 minutes whereas if I dress them differently I have to carefully examine each outfit to see how it relates to the other. Sound weird? Well, if one girl is wearing pink and the other is wearing red or blue people will assume that the other one is a boy. Not a big deal at home but when we're out - big pain.
To help me answer this question I have created a poll and really want your opinion. Should I embrace that they are triplets and display it to the world that they are or should I make them individuals and dress them differently. I could also coordinate and that is similar outfits but not exactly the same - same shorts, different tops - same clothing line different style. Commenting that it's up to me isn't helpful so you have to vote!! And vote often :)
New Release Spotlight: Alexis Barber
6 days ago
Can I just preface my vote with the fact that I thought the same thing about my triplets before they were born, too. There was NO WAY they were all going to be matchy matchy. Now I've realized how much easier it is to pick up 2 outfits the same for the boys. I've sortof just gone with the "coordinated" idea...blue, green & pink. Anyway, it doesn't matter too much for me, since by 11am, someone's messed their clothes and they aren't all matching anymore! =)
My vote: Match them or coordinate them until they want to pick out their own outfits. It's fun and so cute! I love dressing my boys alike even tho they're not twins. It's like a special brother thing...no one else is part of their club!
I love dressing the girls alike even though I said before they were born I wouldn't do it much. As for changing them all when one gets dirty how often does that really happen now that they are off bottles and aren't puking every time you pick them up.
How in the heck am I supposed to vote when I still don't know what to do myself? :-)
I'm looking forward to reading your comments on this one!
Whichever is cheapest, dear!
Just 2 outfits at a time for me instead of your 3 but I really like to do coordinated on my twins. It cuts down on the how far apart in age question when we're in public (40 min). They look different and are slightly different sizes so if I coordinate it helps people answer their own ? about if they are twins or not. Also, I like coordinated sitting in the drawer next to each other because that means I gave it some thought and the clothes are comparable thickness and neither one is going to be too hot or too cold. The boys are just starting to have preferences at 3 now so do whatever you want until the girls hit that stage. Just my 2 cents:) They sure are adorable.
I was the same way! Before our trips were born I didn't plan to dress the girls alike. I always did like the idea of coordinating though. Now I love matching them! And when I go to buy clothes, I will usually match, though sometimes coordinate. Of course whenever they don't want to match anymore, I suppose I won't force them! ;)
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